EU Commission – Consultation on PSD2: What reforms are necessary? Should Crypto Transactions be regulated in a PSD3?
veröffentlicht am 06.06.2022
On May 10, 2022, the EU Commission launched a consultation on the revision of PSD2. “The public consultation seeks views on both the PSD2 review and the open finance framework. It is available in all EU languages and will run for 12 weeks. You can have your say here. In addition, the Commission has also launched two targeted consultations on the PSD2 and the open finance framework. The targeted consultations require specialist knowledge. They will also run for 12 weeks and are available”
We at the Goerg Payment and FinTech Team have made the effort to review the questionnaire, have melted it down to a 24 pages paper and have made an attempt to propose some answers in order to enhance the discussion before the consultation must be submitted on July 5, 2022.